Various changes that take place during parboiling

  1. Physico chemical changes:-
  • The most important changes during parboiling is the gelatinization of starch and disintegration of protein bodies in the endosperm. The starch and protein expand and fill the internal air spaces. The fissures and cracks present in the endosperm are seen making the green translucent and hard as result of which the breakage during the meaning is minimised.
  • The colour of price changes To yellow to yellowishBrown depending upon the paddy variety soaking time and temperature and drying time and temperature.
  • The loss of protein and starch during the cooking is very less water soluble vitamin B and other water soluble nutrients diffusers into endosperm during parboiling and hence loss of nutrients is less.
2. On milling characteristics:-

  • Breakage of rice during meaning is most due to inherent cracks and fissures update bro present in the kernel. Parboiling seals the cracks and hardens The Grain the breakage also depend upon milling conditions and type of milling machine used. Rice where is which short grain as usually more resistant to breakage as compared to Slender variety. The head rice yield is considerably improved by parboiling particularly for various having very poor milling quality.
3. On cooking quality:-
  • Parboiled rice takes longer time to cook as compared to raw rice. Parboiled rice took 30-40 minutes to cook as compared to raw rice which take 15 to 20 minutes because the water absorption capacity of parboiled rice is decrease then raw rice.
  • Parboiled rice expand more as compared to raw rice the loss of solid in cooking water that  is GRUEL SOLID LOSS is lower in parboiling rice.
  • Discoloration of rice during parboiling is mainly due to non enzymatic Millard type Browning. The husk pigment may also contribute to colour by diffusion into endosperm . The parboiled rice is resistant to fat hydrolysis therefore lipase get inactivated during heat treatment. The parboiled rice Bran has more oil then raw rice bran therefore the bran obtained from parboiled rice is stable due to inactivation of lipase.
4. Grain characteristics:-
  • Parboiling rice is slightly shorter and broader than raw rice rice grain which are opaque become Glassy during parboiling. If there are any chalky area in raw rice it also become translucent therefore gelatinization starch and protein bodies adhere to form a compact mass.

Jai Hind


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