How the ATM machine works ???what is ATM skimmers!!!!-EXPLAINED

Hello guy you will listen about the ATM machine that how ATM machine will work or how the atm machine will give you the cash when you put plastic card into it??? Today we shall talk about this topic

How the atm machine works??
First of all you enter the card into the machine will notice that whether the card is real or duplicate after confirmation ATM machine step over the next if the card is real then what is the your account number ,yes you will surprise that your ATM card contain your account number in black stripes which is magnetic strips, the whole data will store their moreover magnetic strip will further small strips.

After identify your card ATM machine give command you enter your pin (personal identification number) after access of your pin you will connected to your bank which card you have you will remember that all ATM machines will connected with the  satellite server so you can take money from any ATM in any countries because almost all ATM are connected with each other with satellite.

After access from pin step you can do any type of work cash deposit cash withdrawal transfer money to another person depending what are the features is provided in ATM machine
Now the question is arises how the ATM machine is containing money ?IN ATM machine their is like bin just like photo copy machine in these bin different type of currency is added and another machine will give you money you will enter and scanner machine is fitted into machine to scan the currency if the currency is failed scan then the put that currency note in rejected bin whether you will deposit or withdrawal the money this case is same in depositing check scanner cmscan the check and put it into the check bin and your all information is updated and you get the slip of your account.

Now what is ATM skimmers?
ATM skimmer is device which used to get your ATM detailed in magnetic strips and your pin.

These devices is attached you enter the ATM card or on the buttons and can get the details of your ATM card and they can use the your duplicate ATM card . So then ever you enter into ATMs make sure of these devices .and stay safe.
I think you will got my idea about the hows the ATM machine works and and ATM skimmers.

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Jai Hind vande matram


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