Hello guys you will listen about cell phone jammer, but you will still confuse that how the cell jammers is work .Today we should discuss about this topic , lets start guys .when ever you guys listen about jammers you will think about that this device can block the various type of signals and you will notice guys that jammers normally used in military for various security purposes so we should think this is very high tech device and their making is too difficult and their technology is very incredible device but reality is totally different, it is very simple to make if you want your own jammer it is not so difficult . Now we guy what is the working of jammers let us talk about it ,it will create interference in radio signals for ex. any mobile phone or any toy car or any type of woky talky etc.the main work is to just become the handicapped the electronic devices . Signal jammer is of different type of different ranges different power ...
Physico chemical changes:- The most important changes during parboiling is the gelatinization of starch and disintegration of protein bodies in the endosperm. The starch and protein expand and fill the internal air spaces. The fissures and cracks present in the endosperm are seen making the green translucent and hard as result of which the breakage during the meaning is minimised. The colour of price changes To yellow to yellowishBrown depending upon the paddy variety soaking time and temperature and drying time and temperature. The loss of protein and starch during the cooking is very less water soluble vitamin B and other water soluble nutrients diffusers into endosperm during parboiling and hence loss of nutrients is less. 2. On milling characteristics:- Breakage of rice during meaning is most due to inherent cracks and fissures update bro present in the kernel. Parboiling seals the cracks and hardens The Grain the breakage also depend upon milling con...
1. Introduction Sheep and goat skins are one of the most important foreign exchange earners to the Ethiopian economy. There is, however, substantial loss due to rejection and downgrading of sheep/goat skins. This has resulted in substantial losses to producers, traders, tanneries and also to the country’s economy. Most people in Ethiopia slaughter sheep and goats in their backyards due to traditional norms and lack of legislation. Inadequate attention is paid to maintaining quality as a result of the by-product status accorded to skins. Farmers and butchers in rural areas get a very low price for the skins that are no incentive for proper handling and drying. Tanning of damaged skins require more chemicals and effort to repair them. This means extra cost and extra pollution. Estimates of the loss to the Ethiopian economy due to poor handling and other problems reach US $ 14 million per year. Care during slaughter and flaying of sheep/goats has a profound impact on the q...
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